22 research outputs found

    Respons Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Beberapa Varietas Kedelai Hitam (Glycine Max L.) Berdasarkan Ukuran Biji

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    Growth Respons and Production of Black Soybean Varieties (Glycine max L.) based on Seed Size.Use of yellow soybeans increases as the limited supply of black soybeans. Farmers to plant turnyellow soybean seed in higher production and larger in size than black soybean seed generally small.Size seed effect toward the utilization of soybean. The large seed size tends to be use as industrial rawmaterials while the size of small seeds use as a seed plant back. The aim of this research is toselection the use big size seed and small seed size from some varieties to increase production. Plantedon Community Land Pasar 1 Tanjung Sari, District Medan Selayang, Medan with a height of ± 25meter above sea level on Mei until August 2012. Randomized Block Design from that is varieties(Detam-1, Detam-2, Cikuray, and Mallika) and seed size (small seed size and big seed size) who thetreatment repeatedly 3 times. The parameters observased were plant height, number of branches onmain branches, flowering time, harvest time, number of pods per plant, number of pods containing,number of empty pods, production per plant, number of small size seed per plant, number of mediumsize seed per plant, and number of big size seed per plant. The research showed that the stastisticanalysis that varieties significant effects on plant height, number of branches on main branches,flowering time, harvest time, number of pods per plant, number of pods containing, number of smallsize seed per plant, number of medium size seed per plant, and number of big size seed per plant

    Analisis Kualitas Aparat Pengawas Intern Pemerintah Dalam Pengawasan Keuangan Daerah (Studi Pada Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara)

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    This study aimed to analyze the quality of internal government regulatory authorities. A common problem in this study is the finding of the audit that is not detected by the inspectorate apparatus as an internal auditor, but was found by the external auditor, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. As in qualitative research, the authors use the method of in-depth interviews and Forum Group of Discussion with informants who have knowledge related to this research. The results show, that became key points of analysis of internal audit quality authorities Southeast Minahasa regency government is to meet the needs of the Inspectorate competent authorities by providing technical guidance, education and ongoing training to improve quality. Not doing too frequent mutations, mutation should be done in accordance with the competence of the employees. While that is key to improving the quality of the Inspectorate is a strong commitment of the Head of Region for the creation of good and clean government to push for a more active role Inspectorate. The existence of the fulfillment of the budget for the Inspectorate of 1%. This study certainly has limitations that can not be ignored. Therefore, further research is needed as a future research agenda

    Analisis Peranan Subsektor Perikanan Tangkap Terhadap Pembangunan Daerah Dan Penentuan Komoditas Hasil Tangkapan Unggulan Di Kota Sibolga

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    Selama tahun 2007-2011, produksi rata-rata perikanan tangkap Kota Sibolga mencapai 12,67% dari rata-rata produksi perikanan tangkap Sumatera Utara dengan pendapatan PDRB sebesar 23,07% dari total PDRB Kota Sibolga.Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis peranan subsektor perikanan tangkapterhadap pembangunan daerah dan mengidentifikasi jenis komoditas hasiltangkapan unggulan di Kota Sibolga. Jenis penelitian adalah studi kasus yang dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan analisis shift share, multiplier effect dan location quotient (lq). Hasil analisis shift share menunjukkankontribusi perikanan tangkap di Kota Sibolga pada tahun 2011 terhadapsektor pertanian sebesar 97,91% dan total PDRB sebesar 22,85%. Perhitungan LQ berdasarkan indikator PDRB dan tenaga kerja menunjukkansubsektor perikanan tangkap merupakan sektor basis di Kota Sibolga dengan nilai LQ lebih dari 1. Hasil mutiplier effect berdasarkan indikator PDRB dan tenaga kerja rata-rata sebesar 4,22 satuan dan 4,90 satuan. Penentuan komoditas unggulan untuk subsektor perikanan tangkap, yaitukakap putih (Lates calcarifer), lencam (Lethrinus spp.) dan kakap merah/bambangan (Lutjanus spp.) dari kelompok ikan demersal; ikanlayang (Decapterus sp.), lemuru (Sardinella lemuru), dan teri (Stolephorusspp.) dari kelompok ikan pelagis kecil; serta ikan tongkol como (Euthynnus affinis) dari kelompok ikan pelagis besar. Dengan diketahuinya jenis komoditas ikan unggulan maka dapat dijadikan sebagai komoditas kuncidalam pengembangan perikanan tangkap untuk meningkatkan pendapatandan kontribusi pada perekonomian Kota Sibolg

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Singkong untuk Produksi Oligosakarida melalui Hidrolisis Kimiawi

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    Cassava peels are biomass wastes that is rich of polysaccharides. Polysaccharides can be hydrolyzed  chemically under control to produce  oligosaccharides. The aims of this research are to study the suitability of the type of acids and the concentration of acids to hydrolyze, and analize the hydrolysis product using spectrophotometer and thin layer chromatography (TLC). The acids used in the hydrolysis were chloride acid, sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, acetic acid, and citric acid, in concentration 0.3; 0.4, 0.5; 0.6; 0.7 molar. Total sugar was determined using phenol method. Analysis of reducing sugar  was performed by the DNS method. The ratio of total sugar to reducing sugar was used to predict the degree of polymerization (DP). Almost all of acids with each concentration produced DP 2-6. The results were also confirmed using TLC and the retardation factor (Rf) compared using glucose and maltose as relative standards.Keywords: cassava peel waste, oligosaccharide, chemical hydrolysi

    The Profile of Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in Deli Serdang Hospital

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    Background: Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy profile has been reported by many hospitals; however, there has never been from Deli Serdang hospital, North Sumatera. The aim of study was to determine the profile of upper endoscopy at Deli Serdang hospital. Method: The study was conducting retrospectively 453 patients during the period of December 2006– December 2008 at the Endoscopy Unit Department of Internal Medicine Deli Serdang hospital. Data were obtained from medical records including the age, sex, race, indications, and endoscopic diagnosis. All data were reported descriptively. Results: Out of 453 patients who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, 241 (53.20%) patients were male. The mean age was 66.3 ± 15.6. Most patients (51.88%) were between 40-59 years of age. Regarding the ethnicity, there were 30.91% Bataknese patients, 21.85% Javanese, 18.98% Karonese, 14.79% Malays, and 13.47% patients of other ethnicities. Dyspepsia was the mostly found indication, which was found in 75.94% patients. It was followed by hematemesis/melena in 15.01% patients and other indications in 6.84% patients. About 33.11% patients had normal upper gastrointestinal diagnosis; while gastritis was found in 26.93% patients, erosive gastritis in 18.98% patients, gastric/duodenal ulcer in 8.83%, and esophageal varices in 5.74% patients. Conclusion: About 453 patients have undergone upper gastrointestinal endoscopy during 2 years period. This study shown greater number of male patients compared to female and the patients were most frequently between 40-59 years old. Normal upper gastrointestinal diagnosis was the most frequently found in this study

    Ethnomathematics: Exploration of Geometric Concepts in Traditional Paintings and Carvings of Teluk Ampimoi Kepulauan Yapen, Papua, Indonesia, as a Source of School Mathematics Learning

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    This research explored the mathematical concepts contained in the traditional paintings and carvings of Teluk Ampimoi Kepulauan Yapen, an indigenous district in the Kepulauan Yapen Regency, Papua, Indonesia, that can be used in school mathematics instruction and learning. Ethnographic research with an ethnomathematical research model was used. Data was collected using participant observation and in-depth interview techniques and was analysed using taxonomic, domain, and ethnographic methods. The results showed that the various forms of traditional paintings and carvings of Teluk Ampimoi, Kepulauan Yapen exhibit mathematical concepts in the form of geometry, namely plane geometry and transformation geometry and approximation, namely, measurement. Based on the taxonomic analysis, it was found that the geometric concepts can be integrated with mathematics learning in schools in the field of geometry concerned with the properties, perimeter, and area of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles. In addition, the geometric transformation contained in the items related to reflection

    Comparison of Student Achievement in Teaching Analytic Geometry of Planes and Space Using GeoGebra and PowerPoint Media at STKIP Abdi Wacana in Semester VI of the Academic Year 2021/2022 in Wamena

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    The research examines the comparison of student learning achievement on the topic of analytic geometry of planes and spaces, which is taught using two different learning media, namely GeoGebra and PowerPoint media. This experimental research used two different experimental classes, each consisting of 14 and 15 students. The research design used is a counterbalance design because even though students' initial knowledge is homogeneous, there are still many other variables that affect the process and learning outcomes, which cannot be controlled and are not homogeneous. The research data used were pre-test and post-test scores for each treatment, which were then processed to obtain normalized gain data. Data processing was carried out using SPSS software and was preceded by an analysis of homogeneity tests and normality tests. Based on the Wilcoxon Signed Test, it is clear that the two learning media are able to improve student learning outcomes. The paired samples test is used to compare the learning outcomes of the two learning models. The results showed that learning using GeoGebra media gave higher learning outcomes compared to using PowerPoint media. The average normalized gain difference between the two media is 0.34

    Balancing with Vibration: A Prelude for “Drift and Act” Balance Control

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    Stick balancing at the fingertip is a powerful paradigm for the study of the control of human balance. Here we show that the mean stick balancing time is increased by about two-fold when a subject stands on a vibrating platform that produces vertical vibrations at the fingertip (0.001 m, 15–50 Hz). High speed motion capture measurements in three dimensions demonstrate that vibration does not shorten the neural latency for stick balancing or change the distribution of the changes in speed made by the fingertip during stick balancing, but does decrease the amplitude of the fluctuations in the relative positions of the fingertip and the tip of the stick in the horizontal plane, A(x,y). The findings are interpreted in terms of a time-delayed “drift and act” control mechanism in which controlling movements are made only when controlled variables exceed a threshold, i.e. the stick survival time measures the time to cross a threshold. The amplitude of the oscillations produced by this mechanism can be decreased by parametric excitation. It is shown that a plot of the logarithm of the vibration-induced increase in stick balancing skill, a measure of the mean first passage time, versus the standard deviation of the A(x,y) fluctuations, a measure of the distance to the threshold, is linear as expected for the times to cross a threshold in a stochastic dynamical system. These observations suggest that the balanced state represents a complex time–dependent state which is situated in a basin of attraction that is of the same order of size. The fact that vibration amplitude can benefit balance control raises the possibility of minimizing risk of falling through appropriate changes in the design of footwear and roughness of the walking surfaces

    On the parametric excitation of some nonlinear aeroelastic oscillators

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    Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Aeroelastic Oscillations of Several Types of Seesaw Oscillators

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    Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc